A role for every team member
Bring your team on board with a specific role for each team member you invite. Choose from the available roles, or create new roles of your own. A content writer, a community manager, or a new intern—decide which Brands, social channels, and features each team member has access to.

Team up to craft the best posts.
Got a new content idea? Discuss it with your team right away. Edit posts, get approval on your drafts, and share copy ideas, all from a single tab.
Working with clients? We’ve got you covered.
From getting your clients’ feedback on new drafts to showing them the numbers for your latest campaigns—just @mention their names wherever you want to involve them. Discussions within your team stay private while clients can join in whenever you tag them.

A simplified collaborative experience for all.
Want to catch up on what your team members have been working on? Or maybe bounce off ideas with a few colleagues right away? We’ve thought of all the possibilities. Take a closer look at the social media activity that takes place within the Collaborate tab.
Stay in control of who sees your discussions.
Start a conversation for the entire team to see, or share your thoughts privately with just a few team mates.
Profiles for everyone, and a timeline that shows their activity.
A. While 14 pre-built contract templates come as part of a premium/enterprise subscription, there is no limit on the number of custom templates you can create and store in Zoho Contracts.
Zero-in with filters.
A. While 14 pre-built contract templates come as part of a premium/enterprise subscription, there is no limit on the number of custom templates you can create and store in Zoho Contracts.
Don’t miss a beat
With real-time notifications, you won’t miss out on anything that your clients or colleagues share with you. Respond instantly from the notifications panel and stay on top of team discussions.