Collaborate instantly on your documents
Collaborate with your peers and refine your documents in real time. Work with the necessary teams and people to create your organization's health claim policy, HR documents, and more, from anywhere at any time.

Keep track of changes
Enable Track Changes to see your collaborators' thoughts on your content through comments and suggested changes. Choose whether to incorporate their ideas using the Accept and Reject options.

Review and
add comments
to your documents
Add comments to a document with ideas and references to help communicate your ideas to your collaborators. You can apply formatting to your comments and stylize the text to convey your points clearly and neatly. Reply to comments with your thoughts and resolve them once content is finalized.
Set document access levels
Assign roles to your collaborators and peers so only certain people can perform certain operations. Want to collaborate with your manager on a document? Provide Edit access. Need your peers to view your document but don't want them to comment? Read Only it is!